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Showing posts from October, 2021

Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) Guide for PLACEMENTS

Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) Guide for PLACEMENTS counselling- 1.If You have plans for Placement In IET LUCKNOW I recommend you to choose CSE / IT / EC other than this you going to home unemployed Priority - 1.CSE 2.IT 3.EC (there are more than 38 company came for recruitment in 2020) There are hardly one or two company came for other branch. When you enter into the college- Coding Part- If you have plans for placement. From the first day of college start doing competitive  programming otherwise you are going to regret when your friends in final year getting more  than 30 LPA package. Bro don’t rest in first month of first year learn one coding language and I recommend you to learn C++. Make account on- Codechef,codeforces,SPOJ,hackerrank,hackerearth Senior or GOD- Yes you heard right th...